Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Megan!

Megan turned 3 years old. We had a very fun pink party with the Grandparents and our friends the Grady's. Megan loved all the attention. She even got Grandpa to wear a princess crown as you can see in the picture. She is enjoying all of her new toys; thank you to all of her family and friends. We appreciate all of your kindness in making her birthday so special.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mommy's Helpers

Riley, Connor and Megan helped me move the mineral feeders for the cows and fill them up. Riley is the muscles, Connor is the spotter, and Megan holds the lid up for me. They are so much fun to take around. They keep things very exciting. You can see Megan found a new type of grass that she wanted to show to me. They are all great helpers. They all want to drive so we take turns at each gate they trade. I'm so lucky to have each one of them. They are wonderful.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

All the guys had fun getting ready to shoot the cannon. It was so much fun we shot it five times over two days. It was a lot of fun having both Wyatt and my family here. We enjoyed the smoked pork our friends the Grady's worked so hard at all day long. It was very good. We are still eating it as leftovers. We had an amazing show that night as usual. We did not have any unexpected explosions so it kept things more peaceful. Of course the time went by way too fast. It left us wishing we could all spend more time together.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Start Blogging

This is us. Looks like I need to carry a camera with me and take more pictures. We are going to try this blogger stuff. I've been impressed by my sister-in-law's posts so I thought I would give it a try. We are looking forward to our families arriving for the 4th of July Celebration. It is always a blast with lots of excitement.