Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

All the guys had fun getting ready to shoot the cannon. It was so much fun we shot it five times over two days. It was a lot of fun having both Wyatt and my family here. We enjoyed the smoked pork our friends the Grady's worked so hard at all day long. It was very good. We are still eating it as leftovers. We had an amazing show that night as usual. We did not have any unexpected explosions so it kept things more peaceful. Of course the time went by way too fast. It left us wishing we could all spend more time together.


sara said...

I found your blog on Eliza's blog. I can't believe how big Riley and Connor have gotten. I guess it's been a while since I've seen them. Very cute pictures and good luck with your blog!

Rebecca said...

Glad you're a blogger now :) Cute!

Josh said...

I saw two of the cannon blasts, and I felt the other three shake the house. It was actually a stark realization of a small glimpse of what the families in the revolutionary war experienced.